Sunday, December 18, 2011

Note To Self

** Consuming a beverage that has been coined "Christmas Punch," is probably a bad idea.

** Consuming so called punch after Brian's friend doctored it is probably a bad idea.

** Consuming "Christmas Punch" that is now doctored and renamed "Blackout Punch," is probably a bad idea.

** Consuming "Blackout Punch," that now tastes more like a Jolly Rancher than alcohol is probably a bad idea.

** If Brian's friends that drink regularly are consuming the "Blackout Punch," and are quickly getting drunk, you drinking the punch is probably a bad idea.

** Attempting to put up Christmas decorations the morning after consuming "Blackout Punch," is probably a bad idea.'s been a long day.....


  1. Heehee - oh no! Sounds delicious and dangerous! Hope you have recovered...

  2. Thank you for the chuckle...I miss and DO NOT miss these times all at once!
